
Books by Andrew Weitzen

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How to Dance with a Partner by Andrew Weitzen

How to Dance with a Partner

The Gentle Method of Unambiguously Communicating Every Step in Every Social Dance.

The solution to a 1,000-year-old problem. For the first time, a clear explanation of how to lead and follow in social dancing.


My Fight With Hospice by Andrew Weitzen

My Fight With Hospice

A Family Caring for Mom: Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs

An easy-to-read story of taking care of my mother after her cancer diagnosis. A story of life and death, family and community, and health and medicine. People want to believe the authorities are doing the right thing. People want to believe what they are doing is the right thing. I saw things differently. This is not a feel bad book. This book reads like a novel.


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Have Fun,

Andrew Weitzen Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas
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