
Welcome Beginner and Intermediate Dancers

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Presuming you have been going to dance classes, your teachers have been throwing dozens, maybe hundreds of pointers at you. These pointers are gems. Treasure them.


There are problems with many pointers. Some pointers are vague. For example, the use of the word energy often does not tell you exactly what you need to do with your body.

Some pointers are not the best way to accomplish certain things. For example, much instruction about communicating is superfluous or not true, such as raising the hand is a signal that a turn may be coming.

Some pointers are misleading, like using visual clues when physically connected or any communication that relies on knowing patterns.

Some pointers may be harmful, such as creating tension to keep from collapsing your frame.

Sometimes people giving instruction do not know what they are doing. Sometimes people say one thing, but do another. Sometimes people are inconsistent in their instruction. Sometimes people contradict one another or even themselves.

In dance classes, there is a lot of talk about lead and follow skills, but what those skills are may vary from teacher to teacher. Worse, they may vary from move to move. The biggest problem is, without How To Dance With a Partner, teachers do not have a clearly defined method of communicating.

Accelerate Your Progress With the Only Logically Consistent, Comprehensive, Unambiguous Method of Communicating

How To Dance With a Partner helps you to understand your dance instruction in a simple, easy to remember framework of the ABCDs℠. Learn the Ten Principles℠ under A for Attitude. Learn the Three Laws of Balance, Connection and Direction℠. These are the rules you need to unambiguously communicate every step in every social dance. Use these as tools to help you put what you learn from your teachers into practice. Violating any of the Ten Principles has negative consequences. Violating any of the Three Laws causes ambiguity.

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